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Bob Tilley: Senior Editor, Site Webmaster and Podcast Host
Bob is the original creator of Gotham Knights Online and has been a massive Batman fan since 1989 when Tim Burton gave us the Batman movie, then fell in love with Batman The Animated Series only to discover a weekend job in a comic book store where the world of Batman comics was at his door. Like most fanboys of the nineties Batman: Knightfall will always be the ultimate Batman story...
Cory Lewellen: Senior Editor, Podcast Co-Host and Site Reviewer
Cory has been a lifelong fan of Batman, but only recently collecting comic books, as he felt his nerdiness was overshadowing his geekiness. His favorite character is Dick Grayson/Nightwing with special mention to Tim Drake as Red Robin and Batwoman and his favorite Batman story is The Long Halloween. He loves to play guitar, follow politics and study history. Oh and he's just an all round nice guy who saved GKO.
Gary Allegra: Podcast Co-Host and Site Reviewer
Gary has been a superhero fan for most of his life. His first experience with Batman was the '89 Michael Keaton film, and his first (and favourite still) Batman comic story was Knightfall. He's a biladg Superman/DC comics fan in general, as well as a sci-fi/pop culture junkie. He also enjoys long walks through the park, rainbows and sunsets. And he's single...ladies.


Green Lantern Corps history and members list.


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Posted by High Ball Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Title: Revolt of the Alpha-Lanterns: Conclusion
Written by: Tony Bedard
Art by: Adrian Syaf
Release Date: 22 September 2010

Official DC Comics Synopsis:
BRIGHTEST DAY continues as the final part of the "Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns" features a confrontation between Cyborg Superman and Ganthet! Will the villain finally get the eternal sleep he so desperately seeks?

REVIEW BY: Bob Tilley

Well here we are... the conclusion to Tony Bedards first Green Lantern Corps arc - Revolt of the Alpha-Lanterns. I really enjoyed this for two reasons. 1), Adrian Syaf's artwork is amazing, two Ganthet sort of gets his Yoda moment.

There are a few things that were wrong with this issue though. The cover is very misleading because it shows Ganthet and Cyborg-Superman ready to kill the crap out of each other and the cover teaser says 'Immortal combat', implying their going to have a massive showdown - they don't even come close. It's actually Boodikka who takes down Hank Henshaw after he transports his body to hers. The issue continues straight from #51 after John Stewart, Natu, Kyle and Hannu charge their rings on Boodikka's dying body. They end up saving Boodikka's soul and lead the Grendians up rising against Cyborg-Superman.

This issue ends up becoming the turning point for the Alpha Lanterns as Ganthet learns how to save their souls and repairs all the Alpha-Lanterns. Probably is the best bit is seeing Boodikka as her normal self inside her mind as she fights Henshaw.

The issue ends back on OA, as the team are announced the new Green Lantern Honour Guard. What I really enjoyed was the fact that the Alpha-Lanterns are still in their Manhunter form but now have their personalities back. Tony Bedard, does a great job capturing the essence of the Green Lantern Corps and I can't wait to see what happens with the Weaponers next issue.

SCORE: 3.5/5

Alternative Cover: Patrick Cleason